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Parish Life

Request Prayers

 “Love to pray. Take the trouble to pray. Prayer opens your heart until it is big enough to hold and keep God. We must know Jesus in prayer before we can see him in the broken bodies of the poor.”

Mother Teresa of Calcutta


We would be honored to pray for you. God bless you! - The St. John's Staff

Knights of Columbus

"Founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity, the Knights of Columbus was established in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Conn., and a group of parishioners. Their intent? To bring financial aid and assistance to the sick, disabled and needy members and their families." -


The St. John the Baptist chapter of Knights support the parish and local community through a variety of acts of service and financial gifts throughout the year. Contact Jim Trunk, Grand Knight, to learn more and get involved: or  864.895.3249.

Respect Life Ministry


The Respect Life Ministry focuses on increasing the awareness of the dignity and sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. We educate our parishioners about the moral evils of abortion, infanticide, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia and assisted suicide, and to defend and restore the Culture of LIFE through campaigns of prayer and worship. We sponsor projects which protect and defend the unborn the disabled, the terminally ill and the elderly.


Our activities include the annual Life Chain in October, Rosaries for Life in May, and the Diaper Drive which benefits Crisis Pregnancy Center, Mira Via, and Pregnancy Resource Center. The objectives of our committee are in accordance with the Pastoral Plan of the National Conference of U.S. Catholic Bishops. Visit to learn more.


Volunteer Opportunities

We welcome new members to this ministry! No training required. Members are asked to offer the ministry their talents in a specific area. In our meetings, we plan our participation for the success of every campaign. To volunteer or ask a question, contact Joanne Gregory at

Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN)

WWMIN is a ministry that offers pregnant women friendship, confidential support, help with material needs, and connection to pregnancy related resources. We accept referrals from anyone in the community and have an up-to-date list of resources to help moms find everything from diapers and baby clothes to medical care and employment. We host baby showers, pray for moms in our care, and watch the Holy Spirit work!


In addition to supporting moms referred to us, we support our local pregnancy resource centers such as MiraVia and St. Clare Home through collections and volunteering. We also look for opportunities to educate the parish on the available resources for pregnant women to promote the culture of life in our community.


We would love for you to join us! All are welcome - no experience required! For more information or if you or someone you know would like to speak with us confidentially about how we can assist you, please contact Joanne Gregory at


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Contact the parish office manager to let us know of edits or omissions. We'll be happy to help. Thank you!

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