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Adult Faith Formation

Creeds and Canons

Creeds and Canons is an important means of Adult Faith Formation at St. John's. Fr. Christian offers Creeds and Canons formation for candidates for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), existing members of our parish family, and others in our community who would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith. 


If you are interested in joining the Catholic Church, please contact the parish office to learn more. 


Please see our Creeds and Canons recording page for past Creeds and Canons events. (Page coming soon!)

Donuts and Dogma

Donuts and Dogma is the contemporary Catholic "Sunday-school". Join Fr. Christian in the Social Hall between 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday Masses on the first Sunday of each month for Q&A and refreshments.

St. Pius V Lay Dominicans (aka Third Order Dominicans)

Dominic thought of gathering from pious and devout lay people a certain sacred militia which would defend the rights of the Church and resist heresy with vigor. Hence arose the Third Order of the Dominicans which, spreading among lay people the institute of a more perfect life, was to be a truly great ornament and defense to the Church.


- Pope Benedict XV Fausto Appentente Die

Meetings are the third Saturday each month.


To find out more

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