This Saturday resumes our normal Mass & Confession schedule at St. John's.
The parish picnic is STILL ON! Join our parish family for much-needed fellowship: Sun Oct 13 2-6pm at *Elf Leaf Farm* 141 N Campbell Rd, Landrum, SC 29356
In the wake of the storm, Bishop Martin ... is encouraging others to offer assistance and check on the vulnerable.
Mass & Confessions this Week
Welcome to St. John's!
St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church is located in the foothills of the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains in the beautiful town of Tryon.
Mon & Fri 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM Office physically open
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM Secretary available remotely
Office #: 828.859.9574
Fax #: 828-859-5932
Sunday: 8:30 AM (Missa Cantata), 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM (Spanish)
Saturday: 8:30 AM (First Saturday), 4:30 PM anticipatory
Monday: 8:30 AM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM*
Friday: 8:30 AM
Holy Days & Feasts: Check website or bulletin
* Change as of September 2024.​
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after Friday Mass
followed by Benediction at 3 PM
(5 PM on First Fridays).
Monday & Friday: 7:30 - 8:15 AM
Saturday: 3:00 - 4:30 PM
By appointment
Do you have
Are you seeking to make arrangements for baptism? Do you have a son or daughter preparing to make First Holy Communion? Is your adolescent child approaching Confirmation?
Our parish supports a family-based faith formation program tailored to the needs of your children and sponsored by our St. Pius V Chapter of Lay Dominicans.
Find out more under the Parish Activities > Youth Faith Formation tab.